Sunday, 2 October 2016

Our Survey

As part of our research into the genre we have chosen we made a survey on survey monkey in order to gain qualitative data around general concepts over all films people enjoy. We made the questions open and not specific to the thriller genre we hope to film in. This is so we could gain unbiased results and to have confirmation that our target audience do genuinely enjoy thriller films.

Survey link ( )

The first question on the survey was what is you gender as we wanted to make sure that from the response we received we gained a good mix of female and male so we could see what appeals to people as a whole when it comes to films. The results showed us that 61.76% were females, 35.29% were male and 2.94% were other. This was a percentage from the total 63 responses we received. Although the distribution of male to female was not as even as we hoped, the information we would gather is still useful as initially, our primary audience will be females.

The second question was how old are you. We had responses ranging from people ages 14-21 and 31 years and over. Although our primary audience is 15-18 year olds, the other information is still useful as we have not yet established our secondary audience. Also we can filter our results to only view the data from certain ages. This will be helpful to let us spot trends from certain ages and their psychographics.

The third question was concerning what their favourite genre was. The survey revealed that the popular trend seemed to be within the comedy genre with 27.94% choosing this option. However, when we spoke about this as a group, we decided that we did not want to conform to the responses as we do not feel comfortable with filming in that genre. Within the group the comedy genre is no one’s favourite and none of us watch comedies consistently enough to know enough about it. However, we felt comforted and reassured by the fact the thriller genre was the second most popular choice receiving 17.65% of the Reponses.

The fifth and sixth question were about generic hero and villain characters’ genders. the overall response was that Females were the preferred hero gender with 51.47% of the responses and males being the most popular villain choice receiving 67.16% of the responses. This is what we expected as a group and will use this information when we are creating the characters for our final product as our original predictions were confirmed.

When asked about whether they preferred chronological or non-chronological narratives 74.63% said they preferred chronological narratives. This is good because at the moment our plan for the opening sequence is that it will be in chronological order but with two parallel scenes running next to each other. This conforms to the research. Also When asked if they enjoy complex or simple narratives more 59.7% said they enjoys complex more which also conforms to our initial idea as having two parallel scenes intertwines is classes as a complex narrative.

Finally, when asked what their favourite plot events are, 26.47% of the responses were for spy. Although this is not what we were expecting and are not planning on including this in the opening sequence as it is outside of the thriller genre, we decided we could include the spy aspect in the rest of the films narrative. 19.12 % chose kidnap and 13.23% chose stalker which is useful as it shows people enjoy the narratives we have chosen.

How this has helped us:
Overall the survey is useful in our research as it has confirmed our predictions. We now know that our target audience do enjoy thriller films and the characters we had already considered including. The biggest shock to us was that comedy was more popular than the thriller genre. However, this could be due to personal preference. However, with thriller being the second most popular we are still confident that the thriller genre is the genre we should continue within. The research will help us when finalising the plans on particular aspects eg, narrative events, narrative order etc. To help us further we could even conduct a survey that is specific to the thriller genre now we know that people do enjoy the thriller genre.

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