Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Target Audience Profile

After conducting a survey into the thriller genre, we, as a group, have specified our target audience. We have used the survey results and related them to our initial plan to come up with our target audience.

The results of our survey showed us that the majority of people that filled it in were female. This means that the majority of feedback gained from the survey was from the female prospective. Also,considering the victim, in terms of Prop, within the opening sequence is female, females are more likely to sympathize with her than males. However, that doesn't mean that males will not enjoy it as there is a male villain and it could conform to the idea of the male gaze theory. Therefore, the secondary target audience is male.

Considering that from the survey we created, around 50% of the responses were from people aged 16 and we relied on our survey results a lot to help us create our initial plan, 16 years olds are definitely our target audience. However, 17 and 18 year olds were responsible for around 20% of responses each which is also significant. Baring this in mind we have a range of ages for our primary target audience from 16-18 years old. This also means that we can suggest violence and adult themes eg. torture within our opening sequence as it conforms to the BBFC age certificate guidelines. Therefore, our secondary audience will be young adults aged between 20 and 25 again based on who filled out our survey.

As we are not planning to include any religious themes and we don't have the opportunity to use actors of specific ethnicity, our opening sequence can appeal to any ethnicity. Because non of our actors will be portraying and specific cultural routines or opinions it means it will not be offensive or stereotypical to any particular ethnicity.

As our opening sequence will not show any representation in class or include anything that addresses issues within social class etc, it will not be aimed towards any specific class.

Based on our initial plan there are some narrative events and themes that we are planning to include which could target people with specific psycho-graphics:
Kidnapping/hostages- as we are planning to have a young female within the opening sequence that has been obstructed.
People who enjoy being scared- because we are filming within the thriller genre, no matter which sub genre we eventually decide to film within, there will be an aspect of tension and suspense.
People who enjoy complex narratives- as we are not planning to reveal everything to the audience straight away in our opening sequence but using semiotics to subtly hint that somethings wrong, it is not a simple narrative. Also the fact that we don't want to use a narrative where it is constant but possibly have twp different narratives means that it might not necessarily be chronological.

Overall  our target audience profile is the following:
Primary: 16-18 year old females of any ethnicity or class who have psychographics of enjoying suspense and tension, abduction and hostages and complex narratives.
Secondary: The secondary audience will be targeted mainly at males aged between 16 and 18 but also young teenagers of both genders between 20 and 25. They don't have to be of any specific class or ethnicity and have the same psycographics.

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