Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Editing Session Eight

In this editing session me and Liv decided to focus on the credits. We began by looking through the sequence and finding clips within it where we could place them. We had to look for clips where objects moved horizontally across the screen so we could make the credits seem like they were appearing behind them as the object moved across the screen as I had practised previously. We also considered the fact that as we were using white font, we couldn't use a clip where the lighting was too high key as the credits wouldn't be visible. We also referred to my research about order of credits, names and titles that should be included.

After we had decided where we were going to place our credits, we decided to start by doing the last one as it was the easiest. We chose a clip where the villain walked from right to left across the screen from the kitchen to sit down and ate his toast. Originally we tried to place the text on the fireplace. However, when we had done this and watched it back we realised that because the camera didn't pan in parallel to the top of the fireplace, the font seemed to be moving up the wall. Also, because we had to blade the credit tab frame by frame, it meant the lettering was positioned differently in relation to the fireplace in every frame as when we positioned them they weren’t exactly consistent with the previous frame. Therefore, when we played it back, because the credits moved slightly in every frame it appeared to wobble and shake on the screen. We tried to find a way of tagging the text to a specific point on the frame however we didn't manage to find a way.

Instead, to fix this, we came up with the idea of moving the credits position on the screen as we realised if we didn't put it in relation to anything, it wouldn't appear to shake. We chose to place the credits in the right hand bottom corner of the screen so they could still appear to be revealed as the villain walked across the shot. This worked much better as the credits were stationary in the shot but still swiped as he moved across them. We achieved this by blading the credit tab frame by frame and adding a letter of the credit title as if it was being revealed behind him.

In the next session we will have to focus on adding the rest of the credits in before the music is switched on. We would prefer them to be revealed before the radio is switched on as it is the beginning of the climax so it would be more effective if nothing distracted from the action within the shot after this point.

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