Thursday, 30 March 2017

Editing Session Nine

In this session we decided to go through the sequence as a group and identify any aspects of it that we weren't happy with or that we thought needed changing. This was just to make sure there were no continuity issues or anything we hadn't spotted before.

The first thing we noticed was that the 'Wellington Productions' at the very beginning of the sequence was not on the screen for long enough. This just meant we had to extend the black clip and extend how long the titles were on for.

Then we realised that the sound effects over the females sections were too loud in comparison to the lack of ambient sound in the males section. this meant we either had to add more sound over this section or turn the volume down on her section. First we tried to find a radio broadcast with Marilyn Monroe speaking to add over the top of the first half of the sequence until the song comes on. We thought this would make it seem that the radio had been on the whole time and when the song comes on its because he switched the radio to the CD. We found a interview with Marilyn speaking about happiness which we thought was relevant to our sequence. However when we listened to it we realised that we preferred what the silence in the first section represented as it was more unnerving to watch. Therefore, we turned down every clip that was over the top of her clips to make them more subtle.

Next we realised that the credit that said 'Liv Mclean' was also too short on the screen. Therefore, we kept the credit as it was and extended the clip featuring the computer.This made the credit appear on screen longer so it was easier to read.

We also noticed that in some of the shots of the female sat on the bed, there was someones bag and coat in the background. We had no other footage of this shot so we used the Ken Burns tool to edit out the items but still keep the footage.

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