Friday, 24 March 2017

Editing Session Six

In this session we decided to focus on the sound in the second section. We had previously decided we wanted to layer different sound effects to build tension, using the title 'Carmen' as the climax.

As a group we began by searching through the sound effects on Final Cut Pro. We found effects that we thought we could use to layer on top of each other to gradually increase the volume and tempo. When we found the sound effects we chose a sound effect we wanted to run the whole way through the second section and layered it over the song that plays on the radio. We did it so as the radio gradually faded out, the base layer faded in. This created a bridge so it didn't just cut between the two different sounds.

Next we began to cut the other sound effects and layer them on top of each other to make the volume rise and fall before the final climax. We faded the beginning and end of each clip in and out again to make sure the clips built up gradually rather than just play over the top of each other.

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